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The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) in partnership with Cane River National Heritage Area (CRNHA) have started a zine series on local histories that are underrepresented or have not gotten enough attention. To do this we are working with student interns and the Technical Services division at NCPTT.

What is a zine and why use them? A zine is a small multimedia “homemade” magazine. They tend to be short and on a specific subject. We are using zines to engage a younger audience who might not want to read an entire book on a subject. The idea of the zine is to introduce them to the story and provide them links to other form of media about the subject and provide a bibliography if they want to further their research on the subject.

The zines will be printed in a small run for handout and available on the CRNHA website as downloadable pdfs. The hope is to make a number of these on varying subjects over the next few years while finding other outside partners to work with in developing stories and zines for their communities.


Click on the cover images above to download your copy of the Zines!

Want to print your own copy? Click the Zine title below to download a ready-to-print version.

Rosenwald Schools                                     The Good Darky                                     Horse Racing Culture