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Annual Festivals

August: The Cane River Zydeco Festival & Poker Run offers a chance to experience Natchitoches' musical heritage every August. Concerts take place in the downtown historic district.

October: The Adai Caddo Indian Nation's Annual Pow Wow showcases Native American heritage through music, dance, arts and crafts, and food.

November/December: The Christmas Festival of Lights takes over Natchitoches' historic district with pageants, parades, a 5K run/walk, and breathtaking evening firework shows.

For a full list of events in the Natchitoches area, click here.

Come Paint Faberge Eggs
Saturday - April 05, 2025 1:00 pm

For centuries people have created Faberge eggs using a variety of methods. On April 5th, 2025 from 1pm-3pm you are invited to come paint your own faux faberge egg!

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Fiber Arts Series: Come Crochet Doilies Together!
Saturday - April 19, 2025 12:30 pm

Join Interpretive Ranger Felicia as we explore crocheting doilies using the filet stitch. Anyone who works with yearn and textiles are invited to join in and share your knowledge with the group. Participiants are encouraged to bring your favorite pattern or even one you are interested in creating! Please bring your own crochet hooks and any yarn you'd like to use. Any size yarn and accompanying hook are welcomed for this project! 

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Trades Then & Now
Saturday - April 26, 2025 10:00 am

Visitors to the site are welcome to tour and visit with trade skill crafters ranging from 18th, 19th, and 20th century crafts, and experience how they have both changed and stayed the same.

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Dyes of the Colony
Saturday - May 10, 2025 1:00 pm

Join park staff in a discussion on the documented dye colors produced or imported into the Natchitoches colony with examples of raw materials and select finished products.

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Fiber Arts Series: Let's Knit Together
Saturday - May 17, 2025 12:30 pm

Join Interpretive Ranger Felicia as we explore beginner knitting techniques and stiches. Anyone who works with yearn and textiles are invited to join in and share your knowledge with the group. Participiants are encouraged to bring your favorite pattern or even one you are interested in creating! Please bring your own knitting needles and any yarn you'd like to use. 

155 Jefferson Street Natchitoches, LA 71457
Lunchtime Talk: Maps as a Useful Tool
Friday - May 23, 2025 12:30 pm

People have used maps for centuries to find their place from one way to another. Today we have a nice app that allows us to get turn by turn directions, but beofre the cellphone these maps were drawn by hand. Luckily some of those paper maps have survived all this time and allow us to see the changes in the terrain. Join Fort St. jean Baptiste staff for a lunch time talk as we discuss how to find and utilize a variety of maps. 

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Tools of the Trade: Leather Belt Pouch
Friday - June 06, 2025 10:00 am

The leather belt pouch was a tool of everyday carry in the 18th century. Join park staff as they demonstrate how a simple version of these pouches were made.

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
Fiber Arts Series: Let's Knit Together!
Saturday - June 07, 2025 12:30 pm

Join Interpretive Ranger Felicia as we explore beginner knitting techniques and stiches. Anyone who works with yearn and textiles are invited to join in and share your knowledge with the group. Participiants are encouraged to bring your favorite pattern or even one you are interested in creating! Please bring your own knitting needles and any yarn you'd like to use. 

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457
The Science of Sun Bleaching
Saturday - June 14, 2025 1:00 pm

Join us as we explore the full effects of sun bleaching on everday items.

155 Jefferson St. Natchitoches, LA 71457