It’s Mardi Gras Season here on Cane River! Make sure you mark your calendars to join us for some local, family-friendly fun!
Saturday, February 3rd
18th Annual Cloutierville Mardi Gras Parade at 2:00 PM
Location: Cloutierville, LA
For More Information: Email fireman2553@yahoo.com
Saturday, February 10th
Krewe of Wag-Uns Children & Pet Parade at 3:00 PM
Parade Route: Beginning at Downtown BOM Bank, South on Front Street to Touline Street, Left to Downtown Riverbank Stage
Krewe of Dionysus Mardi Gras Parade at 6:00 PM
Parade Route: Beginning at River South Commons Shopping Center, going down South Drive, turning left on Keyser Avenue, crossing the Keyser Bridge, turning left on Jefferson Street, then right on University Parkway, then right on Second Street, continuing to Texas Street, turning right on Texas and right on Washington Street continuing down Front Street to Touline Street which will be officially the end of the parade.
For More Information: https://www.facebook.com/KreweOfDionysos