Cane River National Heritage Area Releases 2022 Grant Cycle Application Guidelines
Natchitoches, LA – On Thursday, January 20, 2022, Cane River National Heritage Area (CRNHA) released its 2022 grant program application and guidelines. Now in its twenty-first cycle, the CRNHA grant program provides funding to local, regional, state, and out of state entities, as well as individuals, for projects that contribute to the conservation of the Cane River region's unique historical, cultural, and natural resources.
Funding for the 2022 grant cycle is available for the following types of projects: historic preservation & enhancement, conservation & collections, land & water conservation, recreation, and heritage education & interpretation projects. Viable projects in each category must show a substantial relation to preservation, interpretation, and promotion of the region's resources with an emphasis on establishing partnerships; produce a one-to-one match of funds from a non-federal source; demonstrate a clear benefit to the public and have a significant impact on the Cane River National Heritage Area.
CRNHA is accepting Letters of Intent (LOI) for the 2022 grant cycle. The Letter of Intent (LOI) is the first step in a two-step application process, which will facilitate the allocation of funding
for regional projects. The funding range is $500 to $10,000. CRNHA will evaluate all LOI submissions and qualify those that meet the program and eligibility criteria. The deadline for submitting a LOI is January 28, 2022, at 5:00 PM. Letters of intent or questions about the grant program can be emailed to Logan Schlatre, Grant Program Manager at LSchlatre@CaneRiverNHA.org. For more information about the CRNHA grant program call the CRNHA office at 318-356-5555 or visit CaneRiverNHA.org/Application.
Congress created the Cane River National Heritage Area in 1994 to recognize and protect the region’s diverse and nationally significant heritage. Since that time, the Heritage Area team has used a grassroots, community-driven approach to further heritage conservation and economic development in the Natchitoches area. By cultivating public-private partnerships, the Cane River National Heritage Area has invested more than $5.9 million in funding to support 375 projects in the region in critical areas, including Historic Preservation, Cultural Conservation, Outdoor Recreation & Conservation, Capacity Building, and Heritage Tourism.
click here to view the grant criteria